What is your second IDEA?

I heard this concept (Second IDEA) just today and found it very interesting and useful. 🧐 It exactly happens when you have a frail, wired, or uncommon idea about a problem but can’t forget it, nor can express it. 🤔 Sometimes, we need more time or courage to express that second idea, but the problem is, the window of opportunity is narrow and it won’t be open forever! ⏳

My intention is that, instead of regretting in the future why you didn’t talk about it, just mention it now. 💬 Needless to say, you could or have to express it as the second, NOT primary idea in a different tone of language or with fewer details to see if there is any feedback afterwards. Don’t push yourself for a second IDEA if you haven’t thought about it! It should be a hypothesis, and that means there’s probably a chance for it. 💡

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