Business Portfolio

I have been asked by many small service business owners if I know someone who could design a portfolio for them. They asked me about samples and what exactly they have to include in a portfolio and sadly they are not interested to hear a comprehensive list of items. I found this topic challenging and decided to think and write about it here and try to gradually update this page from time to time.

Business Portfolio Definition

I believe we have to change its meaning from luxury photo-gallery to a document with more tailored details reflecting the company’s potential. I would like to describe a Portfolio differently and define it as a Targeted Presentation of History, Resources and Interests of the company.

Treating all types of customers in a same way doesn’t make sense. Depending on the type or nature of your business, you have to make different Portfolio‘s even in different mediums. For instance if you are a construction company, you would need five different types of Portfolio : personal houses, personal apartments, personal commercials, residential buildings, companies commercials. Another example could be three main types of Portfolio in IT Services: Personal Services, Store Services, Company Services. Another example could be Security Services Portfolio type: Personal Houses, Personal Apartments, Residential Buildings, Government Facilities, Commercial Facilities. Despite we have to prepare different kinds of Portfolios for different market audience, we are presenting the same information to them.

Areas of a regular Portfolio:

  • Cover
  • Executive Summary (who we are part!)
  • Products and Services (details about different products or services)
  • Measures of Proficiency (Certificate, Networks and Collaborations)
  • Market and Financial Reflections
  • Track of accomplishments

Next time you visit this page, there might be an update here!

Business Portfolio

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